How to Take Care of Your Teeth to Avoid Tooth Pain
25 August 2021

It will be unpleasant when you eat certain foods and suddenly you feel pain on your teeth. Because of this frequent toot pain, you can only eat certain foods, of course it will be boring. But don't worry, there are various ways to avoid healthy teeth from pain.

How to Overcome Tooth Pain

Here are some ways you can do to overcome toot pain.

1. Using toothpaste and a special toothbrush

You can choose toothpaste for tooth pain with ingredients that are safe for sensitive teeth. In addition, choose a toothbrush with fine bristles to reduce friction and pressure on the teeth. You can get sensitive dental care products from Systema which is a superior product from Japan.

2. Teeth filling

This method is useful for closing cavities. The doctor will put a certain material on the exposed tooth surface. The doctor will give a local anaesthetic for this procedure.

3. Root canal or tooth root canal treatment

How to treat healthy teeth from pain is useful for severe pain. This treatment is done by treating the pulp or the core of the tooth. You must consult to the doctor for this treatment.

4. Dental crown procedure

This method is usually used to treat toothache when they find a cracked part. Dental crown installation aims to replace the missing tooth structure. This procedure is also useful for protecting weak tooth structures from being easily damaged. 

5. Traditional medicine for toothache

You can use natural or traditional ingredients as a way to treat healthy teeth from pain that is affordable and practical.

  • Saltwater

Salt has an antiseptic that can kill and inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation or pain. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water. Gargle for 30 minutes and discard.

  • Honey

Antiseptic and antibacterial in honey can overcome dental and oral problems. Mix one tablespoon of honey in one glass of warm water. Use it as a mouthwash for 30 minutes then throw it away and end with drinking water.

  • Turmeric

The compound curcumin in turmeric is a natural remedy for toothache because it has anti-inflammatory properties. The trick is to grate a few parts of turmeric and paste it on the aching tooth. Leave the grated turmeric for some time.

  • Guava leaves

How to treat healthy teeth from other aches is to use guava leaves which contain flavonoid antioxidants. You can use guava leaf juice or use it as a mouthwash to treat pain.

Avoiding Tooth Pain

These are several ways to avoid you from having tooth pain or ma or make it worse:

1. Don't grind your teeth

Grinding your teeth will make your teeth more brittle and more sensitive. If you are used to grinding your teeth, use a tooth guard. Especially during sleep because you will not realize if you grind your teeth.

2.  Pay attention to food and drink

Acids and sweets in foods and drinks will erode tooth enamel, so that the dentin of the teeth is exposed. You can use a straw and drink water to reduce the sweet and sour that sticks to your teeth.

3. Frequent dental care

Brushing your teeth with the right paste and brush 2 (two) times a day is mandatory. In addition, do dental treatment with a doctor according to a schedule, which is once every 6 (six) months.

Those were the various ways to cure toothache both traditional and with the help of a doctor. Don't forget to take care of your teeth to avoid pain or at least reduce the frequency of toothache